Hello Chicagoland!!


My name is Sherlyn Edwards, I'm married to an incredible man and a mom of three sons.  My husband and I and our youngest son moved to Northern Illinois in August of 2020. We live in the Loon Lake area near the beautiful village of Antioch.


I've always loved photography from the first time I held a camera in my hands.  I have gazillions of photographs of my family and I actually was a designer before I ever considered photography as a profession.  I was sending out my designs to photographers and it wasn't until after I created blanket props for the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and was struggling to get photographs for the press, that my husband and I decided to get a more professional camera for me to photograph my designs and hopefully start a photographic studio. 


My first photography client was my best friend's daughter and I spent several years as a hobbyist growing my design and photography businesses.  I joined Professional Photographers of America and the Nebraska state affiliate.  In 2019 I decided to take myself more seriously and become a full time photographer. I became Life Into Art Images which completely describes who I am as a photographer and artist.  I'm currently working to become a Certified Professional Photographer and I am working on obtaining my Master of Photography and Master Artist degrees through PPA.  In 2020 I won the Artist of the Year in the state of Nebraska. I will be joining my local affiliate here in Illinois when we get officially up and going.


I have done all aspects of photography and even high volume dance photography.  We specialize in newborn, children's and fine art composites.  My design line has now been rebranded Strawberry Swan and will be sold in the boutique area of my studio and on Etsy.  


- Sherlyn Edwards